
Titel: Interference : the story of Czechoslovakia in the words of its writers / comp. and ed. by Peter Spafford
Ausgabe: 1. publ.
Veröffentlicht: Cheltenham : New Clarion Press, 1992
Umfang: XXII, 169 S. : Ill.
Format: Buch
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 1873797036
Lokale Klassifikation: 23 10 D ; 23 7 Od

Cultural Writing. Essays. Fiction. Poetry. Drama. This anthology celebrates the energy, endurance and humor of Czechoslovakia. From The Good Soldier Svejk to the writing of Milan Kundera, from 1914 to 1989, this selection gives the country's story in the words of its novelists, poets and dramatists. Here is the unofficial view of the many outside interferences the country has suffered, and here the writers' own interference in the status quo. Chosen mainly from the translated work of writers at one time banned or exiled, this collection offers a unique introduction to Czechoslovak history and a flavor of its literary wealth.