Poland between the wars

Titel: Poland between the wars : 1918 - 1939 / ed. by Peter D. Stachura
Veröffentlicht: Basingstoke ˜[u.a.]œ : Macmillan, 1998
Umfang: XIII, 153 S. : Kt.
Format: Buch
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 033373680X ; 0312216807
Lokale Klassifikation: 32 7 L
  • Preface
  • p. ix
  • Notes on Contributors
  • p. x
  • Abbreviations and Glossary
  • p. xi
  • Map of the Second Polish Republic
  • p. xiv
  • 1
  • The Second Republic in Historiographical Outline
  • p. 1
  • 2
  • Three Insurrections: Upper Silesia, 1919-21
  • p. 13
  • 3
  • The Battle of Warsaw, August 1920, and the Development of the Second Polish Republic
  • p. 43
  • 4
  • National Identity and the Ethnic Minorities in Early Inter-War Poland
  • p. 60
  • 5
  • Freedom of the Press in Inter-War Poland: The System of Control
  • p. 87
  • 6
  • Poland's Defence Preparations in 1939
  • p. 109
  • Appendix I
  • Principal Officers of the Second Polish Republic, 1918-39
  • p. 137
  • Appendix II
  • Chronology: Poland, 1914-39
  • p. 139
  • Select Bibliography
  • p. 146
  • Index
  • p. 148