Dilemmas of transition

Titel: Dilemmas of transition : the environment, democracy and economic reform in East Central Europe / Ed. by Susan Baker ...
Veröffentlicht: London ˜[u.a.]œ : Cass, 1998
Umfang: 214 S.
Format: Buch
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 0714647640 ; 0714643106
Lokale Klassifikation: 31 13 O
  • Dilemmas of Transition: The Environment, Democracy and Economic Reform in East Central Europe - An Introduction
  • p. 1
  • Part I
  • Environmental Policy and the Transition Process in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Geopolitics and the Environment in Eastern Europe
  • p. 29
  • Financing Environmental Policy in East Central Europe
  • p. 53
  • Environmental Movement and Social Change in the Transition Countries
  • p. 69
  • Part II
  • Country Studies
  • Hungary: Political Transformation and Environmental Challenge
  • p. 93
  • Sustainable Development in the Czech Republic: A Doomed Process?
  • p. 113
  • Rejecting Green Velvet: Transition, Environment and Nationalism in Slovakia
  • p. 129
  • Environmental Policy in Poland
  • p. 145
  • Environmental Action during Romania's Early Transition Years
  • p. 162
  • Bulgaria: Managing the Environment in an Unstable Transition
  • p. 183
  • Notes on Contributors
  • p. 207
  • Index
  • p. 211