Epidemics and genocide in Eastern Europe, 1890 - 1945

Titel: Epidemics and genocide in Eastern Europe, 1890 - 1945 / Paul Julian Weindling
Veröffentlicht: Oxford ˜[u.a.]œ : Oxford Univ. Press, 2000
Umfang: XXI, 463 S. : Ill.
Format: Buch
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 9780198206910 ; 0198206917
Lokale Klassifikation: 3 15 A ; 31 3 F ; 3 3 E ; 3 13 J ; 3 3 C
  • Part 1
  • Microbes and Migrants
  • 1
  • Disease as Metamorphosis
  • 2
  • Eradicating Parasites
  • 3
  • Cleansing Bodies, Defending Borders
  • 4
  • The First World War and Combating Lice
  • Part II
  • Containment
  • 5
  • Defending German Health: Technical Solutions
  • 6
  • The Sanitary Iron Curtain: The Relief of Polish and Russian Typhus
  • 7
  • German-Soviet Medical Collaboration
  • 8
  • The Demise of Internationalism
  • Part III
  • Eradication
  • 9
  • From Geo-medicine to Genocide
  • 10
  • Delousing and the Holocaust
  • 11
  • 'Victory with Vaccines': Human-Guinea Pigs and Louse-Feeders
  • 12
  • From Medical Research to Biological Warfare
  • 13
  • Clinical Trials on Trial
  • Appendices
  • I
  • Typhus statistics in Germany, Poland, Russia, and the Ukraine
  • II
  • Typhus Vaccines and Sera, 1876-1944
  • Select Bibliography
  • Index