Midwives of the revolution

Titel: Midwives of the revolution : female Bolsheviks and women workers in 1917 / Jane McDermid and Anna Hillyar
Veröffentlicht: London : UCL Press, 1999
Umfang: VIII, 239 S.
Format: Buch
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 1857286243 ; 1857286235
Lokale Klassifikation: 41 7 J ; 41 7 Mk ; 41 13 J
  • Preface
  • p. vii
  • 1
  • Introduction
  • p. 1
  • 2
  • The woman question before 1917: what was to be done?
  • p. 19
  • 3
  • The making of a female revolutionary
  • p. 51
  • 4
  • The lives of working women on the eve of the First World War
  • p. 85
  • 5
  • From World War to the eve of Revolution
  • p. 113
  • 6
  • Women and the 1917 Revolution in Petrograd
  • p. 143
  • 7
  • Conclusion
  • p. 187
  • Notes
  • p. 203
  • Select Bibliography
  • p. 229
  • Index
  • p. 235