Soviet medicine

Titel: Soviet medicine : culture, practice, and science / eds. Frances L. Bernstein ...
Veröffentlicht: DeKalb : Northern Illinois Univ. Press, 2010
Umfang: X, 294 S.
Format: Buch
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 9780875804262 ; 0875804268
  • Acknowledgments
  • p. vii
  • Editors' Note
  • Introduction-Experts, Expertise, and New Histories of Soviet Medicine
  • p. 3
  • 1
  • Toward a Soviet Psychiatry-War and the Organization of Mental Health Care in Revolutionary Russia
  • p. 27
  • 2
  • Fighting Plague in Southeast European Russia, 1917-25-A Case Study in Early Soviet Medicine
  • p. 49
  • 3
  • Foreign Expertise on Russian Terrain-Max Kuczynski on the Kirghiz Steppe, 1923-24
  • p. 71
  • 4
  • Behind the Closed Door-VD and Medical Secrecy in Early Soviet Medicine
  • p. 92
  • 5
  • Defining Sexual Maturity as the Soviet Alternative to an Age of Consent
  • p. 111
  • 6
  • Vaccination against Tuberculosis with BCG-A Study of Innovation in Soviet Public Health, 1925-41
  • p. 132
  • 7
  • Between Power and Experts-Soviet Doctors Examine Katyn
  • p. 155
  • 8
  • Medical Expertise and the 1946-47 Famine-The Identification and Treatment of a State-Induced Illness
  • p. 174
  • 9
  • ôAbortion is Killing Usö-Women's Medicine and the Dilemmas for Postwar Doctors in the Soviet Union, 1944-48
  • p. 195
  • 10
  • The Political Economy of Water Supply Under Late Stalinism
  • p. 214
  • 11
  • Destalinization as Detoxification?-The Expert Debate on Industrial Toxins under Khrushchev
  • p. 237
  • 12
  • White Coats and Tea with Raspberry Jam-Caring for Sick Children in Late Soviet Russia
  • p. 258
  • Abbreviations and Glossary
  • p. 281
  • List of Contributors
  • p. 283
  • Index
  • p. 285