The global 1989

Titel: The global 1989 : continuity and change in world politics / ed. by George Lawson ...
Veröffentlicht: Cambridge ˜[u.a.]œ : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2010
Umfang: XIX, 317 S.
Format: Buch
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 9780521761246 ; 9780521147910 (Sekundärausgabe)
  • Introduction: the 'what', 'when' and 'where' of the global 1989
  • Part I
  • What and When
  • 1
  • Back to the future of nineteenth-century Western international thought?
  • 2
  • The return of primitive accumulation
  • 3
  • What is left after 1989?
  • Part II
  • Where
  • 4
  • Transatlantic relations in the shadow of the Cold War
  • 5
  • Third World socialism: 1989 and after
  • 6
  • Towards a global Europe?
  • 7
  • Restoration and convergence: Russia and China since 1989
  • 8
  • One world, many cold wars: 1989 in the Middle East
  • Part III
  • Continuity and Change
  • 9
  • One bright moment in an age of war, genocide and terror? On the revolutions of 1989
  • 10
  • A dangerous utopia: the military revolution from the Cold War to the war on terror
  • 11
  • From Berlin to Baghdad: learning the 'wrong' lessons from the collapse of communism
  • Conclusion: was there a global 1989?