Les politiques anti-drogue en Colombie sous Álvaro Uribe Vélez (2002-2010): "plata o pluma"

Titel: Les politiques anti-drogue en Colombie sous Álvaro Uribe Vélez (2002-2010): "plata o pluma"
Veröffentlicht: Mannheim : SSOAR, 2012
Umfang: Online-Ressource
Format: E-Book
Sprache: Französisch
Kein Bild verfügbar
Bemerkung: Veröffentlichungsversion
begutachtet (peer reviewed)
In: Studia Politica: Romanian Political Science Review ; 12 (2012) 4 ; 673-691
Zusammenfassung: Abstract: Álvaro Uribe Vélez served two presidential terms (2002-2010) in Colombia under strict supervision from the United States of America. Drugs were his main concern as Colombia still stands as the number one cocaine producer in the world. Exports coming from this Andean country filled illegal markets all over the world. Figures regarding the production of coca were meant to drop and guerrillas were meant to be demilitarized for the stability of the Colombian territory. Nonetheless, violence, as specificity in Colombia and Uribe's authority made every single anti-drug policy mostly incapable of coping with the wellrouted drug cartels, guerrillas as well as paramilitary groups. United States foreign policy financed both legally and military this matter, but the constant demand for drugs prevailed. One must reconsider the causes that stand behind the drug productions in this specific area as more than just capitalist motivations